Specialized Leasing Company is a private limited company
that was founded by the Housing Bank in 2006 with a
capital of thirty million Jordanian Dinars
fully paid by the Housing Bank.


The real estate sector is considered to be one of the
main drivers of the national economy. Therefore,
there is a need to provide new and innovative sources
of funding to meet the needs of the buyers.


Our Services

Real Estate

The real estate sector is considered as one of the engines which drive the national economy, and needs innovative and unconventional…


The need for individuals to own their private vehicles is increasing continuously. Financial leasing is considered as one of the most…

Medical Equipment

Jordan is considered as one of the most advanced nations in the region in the medical field. Accordingly, medical bodies working in…

Machinery & Trucks

Financial leasing allows parties involved in the contracting and transport of goods sectors to obtain the necessary assets, instead of…

Industrial Machinery

The industrial sector is considered as one of the most sectors to benefit from financial leasing activities, since operated assets and…

Submit an Application

Without Any Complications

Dear client,

Kindly fill up the Leasing application and our specialized personnel will contact you as soon as possible

Real estate
(Individuals Sector)

  • Financing up to (100%) of the asset value.
  • The asset itself serves as the primary guarantee for the financing.
  • No salary transfers needed.
  • Installments are in line with the lessee’s monthly income.
  • Competitive leasing rate.

So if you were waiting for the perfect time

to seize this opportunity, the time is now.