Utilize the Power of Managed Security Services for Prevention, Detection, and Response to Threat in IT Infrastructure

Our Managed Security Services can help companies to prevent and detect further respond well to the IT infrastructure threats. Ever since ParamInfo was started, we have been offering real-time monitor, active in prevention, taking smart management stance, instant detection, and quick response to all the security incidents of different types of complexities.

Why ParamInfo

Close to a decade of experience in the field of cybersecurity, an system configured through cloud solutions, based on prevention, management, detection, response model. Coming with more than one and half decade of experience in managed security services of ISTM, we provide structured approach to our services. Partnered with some of the top companies who are reputed in delivering high quality security management, we meet customer expectation in terms of budget, quality and time expectations.

Addressing Customers Needs

As a managed security service provider with close to a decade in cybersecurity issues, we customize our offer for our customers depending on their specific needs. Among our customers come some of the businesses from retail, manufacturing, banking, healthcare, and eCommerce plus other SaaS providers, and online businesses.
We create the design of our MSSP to address some of the following needs that are security-specified
We provide enough security coverage throughout the diverse IT components of our customers. We protect our IT infrastructure against the widespread non-targeted actual threats also advanced persistent threats. We adhere to the security standards and regulations for compliance.

Our Managed Security Services Cover

ParamInfo’s security services encompass monitoring in real-time, management, plus providing the following cybersecurity elements like cloud services, software, and hardware

Configuring IT Infrastructure

“With our modern cloud based security infrastructure, we integrate our client’s IT infrastructure.”

We Cover the following Managed Security Services

We offer in our managed security services the protection of the IT components like networks, on-premise data storages, data centres, cloud services like IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, from platforms like Google Cloud, Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). We also serve customer-facing apps like SaaS applications, customer portals, and ecommerce stores along with customer’s internal apps, and corporate infrastructure.

Scope ParamInfo’s Managed Security Services Provide

Security design and strategy- We create the structural framework for the entire strategy of security and the technical components like IPS and IDS along with compulsory policies in security. We plan on adopting the cloud-based IT systems within your design so that complete cyber security can be increased.

Prevention of

Security Incidents

Receive expert consultancy on the security policies that could be applied so that the complete security level can be improved. We advise you to implement the SecOps approach to provide a higher standard of application security. We work on managed vulnerability scan of applications, databases, servers, and networks. Our penetration testing can help customers need to ensure compliance with security standards and regulations.

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